Front console required some surgery to clean off a couple of incorrect dials but Wingnut Wings make reference to these in the instructions, then it was a basecoat as previously and details and dials decalled or painted up. I added a good blob of crystal clear to the various gauges for a nice glass finish.
Lower rear gun is next up. Master replacements used for extra detail
This was painted with Gunze Metaliser Dark Iron then put to one side as it will be a bit fragile installed with all the work on the fuselage still to come.
Talking of which the 2 sides are up next. I added a coat of green around the cockpit edges and a linen colour for the rear section along the sides. The top of the fuselage was a ply wood so Tamiya Buff was applied to the inside and then a couple of brown oil paints applied with a sponge to give the wood appearance, which will be visible through the bottom opening. I also added the internal rigging with Uschi Van De Rosten Rig That Thing elastics.
The glass bottom hatch for the rear lower gun is a beautiful piece of work. The glass has a lovely ripple to it. Tamiya masking tape was added and trimmed with a new blade to set the framework.