Super Wings Series No.13
Feature Article with Tim Haynes
Just before we get started, here’s a look at how it all turned out…
Although I am a Phantom Phan, having had the Corgi RN version as a child (complete with spring loaded missile firing system..), I have never actually built a model of one. I do have a couple in the stash with a focus on the RN FG.1 that will be done (eventually). Then Geoff did his superb build of the Zoukei-Mura F-4EJ Kai “Phantom Forever” build, which really grabbed by attention.

I then realised there was another special scheme for the 2020 retirement from JASDF service, “Go For It”, and that Zoukei-Mura more recently also released a boxing of this version.

The Plan:
I like the yellow and black of this scheme and thought it would be a nice complement to Geoff’s previous build. Having looked at a range of on line photos of this particular airframe, I’ve decided to go with the three tanks (outboard pylons and centre line) fitted, the missile rails (without missiles) on the inner pylons, open airbrakes, dropped flaps, retracted slats and open canopy. I have included a few pictures of the real thing to whet the appetite, and my inspirational desktop photo was the first of these.
For the airframe in particular, I have mainly used Internet searches for pictures. This has been supplemented by the following in terms of reference books;
McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom – 1958 onwards (all marks) – Haynes Publishing – by Ian Black
McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom – Flight Craft 28 – by Geoff Coughlin
I used the following additional products;
eduard – 49015 – F-4 Mk 7 Ejection Seats Grey
eduard – 49231 – F-4E Details
New Wear – AM0852 – Die Cut Flexible Masks – Expert.