Final internals
Zoukei-Mura does supply the bottles that go into the rear fuselage space and as you can see here I’ve painted and weathered them, doing this before I realised that they won’t be seen at all once the rear upper fuselage panel is in place. You could save some time here and omit this area.
The side fuselage panels fitted quite well and are now all taped up to dry as you can see – I left them for 24 hours to dry thoroughly.
Tail assembly
The separate tail assembly is all sanded and prepared for attaching to the main centre-fuselage section. There was a gap where the faces join and I think that the easiest way to resolve this is to simply sand both faces completely flat and very carefully align the parts and run liquid glue into the join, taping everything and setting aside to dry thoroughly (at least 24 hours).