I’m deciding whether to expose both gun bays? I do think that this may look a bit over the top on the finished model, after all, one gun bay, the cockpit and engine will all be exposed and the aim isn’t to create a model that looks like it is in the middle of a full service! Having said that, still not completely sure which one to leave open so I will add and paint both triple sets of guns in each wing and see how we go for now.
As far as the kit guns go, they are pretty well tooled with small hollows for the end of each barrel and perforations along each. Ammo belts are also provided and as I hope you can see, they all look pretty good when installed and painted. I used Tamiya Brass for the belts with Citadel Bolt Gun Metal for those parts of the feed in the silvery colour. The guns themselves are sprayed Alclad2 Gunmetal and when dry (a couple of hours), burnished with an old tooth brush and dry brushed lightly with BGM. All these parts fit very well.
You can now think about joining the upper and lower wing panels but if you plan to add the wing drop tanks remember to drill out the marked locating holes in the lower wing skin as per the instructions.