Tail unit
You can see that I have started to assemble the tail unit while the wings assembly dries. Construction is somewhat unconventional with the tailplanes sandwiched under the fin/rudder section. The rudder is separate and will be attached later – probably slightly offset to add a bit of interest. Additionally, the tailplane elevators are also separate and looking at Mustang IV’s that can often be seen in photos with their elevators drooped so that’s the plan here. The leading edges need careful cleaning up as the sprue gates are quite thick on these parts (arrowed).
Notice too that there is a long tab designed to locate the fin accurately into the tailplane unit but I found that this didn’t line up too well and so I removed it in order to get a better fit.
Cockpit assembly
This is going to be a major project because the whole engine and cockpit assembly forms the core of this model and what’s intended is that as the cockpit/engine sub-assemblies build up they join to be followed by attaching the main fuselage body panels – very different to the traditional build. So, my plan here is to take you through that process and highlight any issues along the way and make my usual observations, so here goes!
Floor and bulkheads
You can see here that the basic colour is Zinc Chromate Yellow (as above) except the wooden floor panel and green base beneath the pilot’s seat. The wooden floor is created here by painting a buff colour (Tamiya XF-60 Dark Yellow) and when dry oil paints (Burnt Sienna/Raw Umber) to achieve the wood-grain effect. There’s info in your SMN Techniques Bank on this as well as different approached especially in the Wingnut Wings WWI builds in Finished Now.