This was fairly straightforward, I gave the model a base coat of RLM 70 from the Gunze range and after 24 hours drying time I used Tamiya XF-62 Olive Drab for the main colour.
I sprayed some Tamiya X-22 clear in the areas to be decaled and waited another 24 hours for that to dry before adding the decals.
These are by far some of the best decals I have ever used! They are just beautiful; they conformed to the surface even without any setting solution! Amazing!!
A few days earlier I ordered some weathering pigments from the Mig Ammo range to have a play with.
The set had some pigment fixer, which supposedly fixes the pigment in place! We shall see…
I added some of the winter ground pigment to the areas around the wheels, mudguards and tracks and then added the fixer to it, and it really does work!
I then had a play with some washes around the top of the turret and added some oil weathering around the engine deck where I thought it would get a bit grimy!
I’ll also add some aerials to the model before the final photo shoot.
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