The chassis is constructed from a ladder-type frame to which you then attach side frames, exhaust, differential and rear axle, clutch plate, leaf suspension and steering assemblies. The steering is fixed but with a little bit of fettling can be positioned in a right or left position.
The fishtail exhaust opening wasn’t very accurate; in fact it didn’t have one!
This was solved by sanding the fishtail on both sides then adding thin plastic card and shaping carefully.
The completed chassis ready for paint.
A fit-check of the main body construction to the chassis highlighted a gap between the front section of the assembly
The problem was interference of the rear engine frame and clutch-plate housing. This may have been an assembly fault of my own making but I really couldn’t see how! A few swipes with a sanding stick and it was sorted.
The chassis is painted now for ease of construction starting with Tamiya XF-69 NATO Black.
The chassis is given a coat of the main body colour, this doesn’t have to be neat.
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