The Base… the plan
The base was inspired by the Band of Brothers movie, there are several great scenes within the movie, this is an idea of an offensive manoeuvre on Carentan and it represents a frontage of a small Café within the town.
The whole sub-structure is made of plasti-card, the thickness of the card varies from .10 thou, to .60 thou, laminated to even thicker sheets; the basic structure of the frontage of the café, is made of .60-thou plasticard. I cut the window and the door out using my craft knife, this was done with several light cuts, once thru I marked the door and the window as these pieces would be used later on in the build, I then made up some recess pieces, to go around the door and the window.
Window and door assembly
The drip strip can then be added to the bottom of the door – this was a piece of plasticard stuck at a 90 degree angle to the rest of the door, I then filled the rest of the shape with Magic-sculp, smoothed out with wet fingers and tools.
This was put to one side to dry, whilst I added the door jams made out of Evergreen styrene 2mm square strip; these being glued and taped into place. I also added the frame to the window, this coming from the same styrene strip.