Attention turns to the shutter
PICs 20-21 I turned my attention to the shutter, as this had an arch in it I had to be careful as to which direction I had it, at this point realising just how much narrower it was to cover its side of the window. As I had only built 1/3 rd of the window and the shutter would have to cover half to save on plasticard I added a small piece to the side of the window piece that I had cut out earlier, this was then trimmed to the same curve, and left to dry, I sanded it smooth later with P90 glass paper finishing off with 1500 grade wet and dry.
I also made up two rolled brass hinges to stick onto the back of the shutter, these were to be super glued to the back, I also made up two wire hinge pins that are just simple bent wire. Although the shutter is going to fixed back against the wall it is made to open or come off for painting purposes.
The wood texture was added by engraving the plasticard with the tip of my modelling knife, dragging it across the surface, in a wood like pattern and this was quite successful.
The profile of the window sill was added to the front of the wall as was the cornice above the window opening, creating this with .60-thou plasticard. The sign above the door and window was added at the same time being edged with 1.5mm plasticard strips cut from a full A4 sheet, steel rule and a very steady hand. This was clamped with clothes pegs till it was dry.