Short Feature Article by Dai Williams
A note from Geoff…
Here’s another example where Dai has supplied some great build notes and detail about how he achieved his results on the M6A1 Heavy Tank. As a result, It’s better to add his model here, rather than just the usual short heavily edited words and photos typical of entries into the SMN Subscribers’ Gallery.
I think you’ll agree his model has turned out really well and I’m not in the habit of chopping useful text that in turn will help you, should you build this kit. I have also added a little bit of background to the type at the end of his piece that I hope you’ll find useful too.
Over to you Dai
This kit is the DML M6A1 from their Black Label series built more or less straight out of the box.
I have seen some criticism on various online forums about the quality of some of the Black Label series kits when compared to other DML kits. DML’s recent Black Label M103 has been the subject of some particular attention in this regard. Then again if you spend any time wandering around modelling forums you’ll probably find criticism of every kit ever produced by anybody at some point! The M6A1 kit seemed rather good to me though I have heard some adverse comments aimed at the shape of the turret and the position of the hatches.
I decided to ignore these issues feeling that a complete rebuild of the turret would be beyond my capabilities. I intended to complete the kit as a quick, simple ‘out of the box’ build. However, I felt that a few simple changes could be made to improve the kit as I went along – based on Walkaround photos of one of the few surviving vehicles currently residing at Aberdeen Proving Ground.