Attention was then turned to the welds. This was started by spraying a band of medium grey along each side of the weld to imitate the discolouration of the steel by the heat. A chrome pen was then used to define the actual welds and these were finished with some AK Dark Steel pigment used very sparingly being applied with a solid rubber brush. At this time the turret traverse wheel was painted with the same Dunkelgelb and when dry weathered with washes.
The gun was weathered with a dark Brown wash but with a little finesse as it was new from the factory and would not show a lot of wear. Where the barrel lock would have fitted around the barrel some paint chipping and wear was applied to it, but again with a light touch. When this was done it was glued into position and It had been decided to offset it to show that the gun had its own limited traverse.
A few final touches are required and this started with oil stains from the rear hatch hinges using an enamel from AK, engine oil AK084. This colour was also used to show the leakage from a wheel seal on the LHS and the last items added were the manufacturing marks done with a white pencil.
As a stop gap the model was positioned on a simple flat base with a name plate.
Before the diorama base is ready it may be of interest to note the amount of products used to finish the painting and weathering…
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