Display base
The model having been finished, a display base was needed and this took the part of a rubble strewn street with a damaged building as the backdrop.
I had in stock a piece of scrap wood about 22mm thick which was cut to a square 24cm and a router used to give a decorative shape to the base. Once the base was ready I used a scalpel to cross cut the top surface and the outer moulding was masked, this was followed by a layer of Polyfiller coloured with some acrylic paint.
Great North Road building
Prior to this the building, a Great North Road German House was stuck together with PVA glue and allowed to dry. It is then pushed into the drying Polyfiller. Now a layer of crushed stone was put over the surface and pressed into the surface. The house was removed and the base was put aside to dry. The vehicle was put on the base and rubble removed where the tracks would rest.
An upper floor was made from a sheet of balsa wood and grooves pressed into it to represent the floor boards. This was then washed with a dark wood stain. Rafters were cut from rectangular wood and adhered to the two pieces of wood stuck to the two walls and then the floor was glued into position.
The building was then painted with white for the plaster, black for the beams and greys and browns for the exposed stone. Weathering was carried out with a very weak grey wash randomly applied.
Using epoxy putty the trunk was made for a plant and fixed to the side and front of the building, this was followed by a coat of PVA and sprinkled with dried herbs. Once this had dried various browns and greens were used to paint the leaves.
The base was then sprayed with matt black and allowed to dry. Various bits of rubble were then painted with greys, brown and white in a random manner. Once this has dried a dry brushing was carried out with a very light grey/white colour. Next came various dust coloured pigments again used in a random manner with subtle use of said pigments. I final colour wash a concrete pigment used in one area to represent fire damage of burnt wood.
Windows were made for the building and acetate sheet cut to show broken window glass.
When all was dry the building was positioned to check fit and after adjusting the base it was glued in place with PVA adhesive.
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