Hairspray time!
It was now time to apply two layers of hairspray, my personal choice is Tresemme No.3 Fine Hold but any cheap one which is not firm hold will do equally as good. Ensure that the first layer has dried before the second was sprayed, and in light layers. The model will now look very glossy but don’t worry as later stages will dull this down.
Start by using Vallejo Pale Grey Blue 907 spray light layers of irregular thickness and shapes. Use masking tape of an index card to separate the individual plates so that there is contrast between various plates to show that different plates were used during construction.
Using a scriber or similar sharp tool draw lines into the blue grey but use a light pressure as not to cut through the under coats of brown and rust colours.
Then using warm water and a selection of brushes the blue grey was removed in patches. On reflection I took off too much but was happy enough to continue. If this had not been the case it would have simply meant redoing the hairspray and start again with the removal.
At the same time 1mm stripes were masked off to show where plates had been stacked on top of others and sprayed with a light rust colour.
A coat of matte varnish was now applied to protect the previous work and this was followed by two coats of hairspray allowing each of the later to dry before proceeding.
Using a light orange-brown colour in the airbrush it was sprayed in irregular patterns to show rust that had developed during the construction. This was then partially removed as per the blue grey in previous step and then it was sealed with another coat of varnish.
Oils in various browns, tan, red, orange and yellow were that applied to blend all previous steps together. Using well diluted colours in the previous blending process thin faint lines were drawn down the vertical surfaces to create rain marks or from water used in different processes.
The final stage for the rust application was more speckling with all the previous colours used in varying proportions over the panels.
The lower chassis and wheels were now isolated with pieces of card cut to appropriate sizes.
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