Track painting
The tracks can then be painted with a dark brown black mixture and then when dry track wash was applied. This was followed by picking out areas with a dull steel colour and finally the track areas that came into contact with the ground were dry brushed with worn steel.
The model was put on its side and then the tyres were painted with a diluted tyre black from Lifecolor which allows it to run around the raised wheel detail and allowed to dry. This was then followed by another coat to obtain a greater covering. The wheels were then sprayed with German red primer and when dry dust colours were lightly applied with an airbrush. Once all was dry an enamel wash was applied as a pin wash around details.
The barrel travel lock was now painted with AK late war Dunkelgelb and lightly weathered as this was a new vehicle care was taken not to overdo these effects. This acts as a contrast to the rust colours of the vehicle and also reinforces the idea of different parts coming from other production facilities.
The ammunitions stowage was assembled with the pre-painted 88mm shell finished in a steel effect as at the end of WWII the brass and copper was running out.
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