Bit of a delay, had a slight medical problem. Back now in good health!
Mind you a lot of the delay continues with these blessed tracks!
There are two sides here. The top line I had huge problems with. Every time I moved them they pulled apart. I think this was due to my continuing to work on them after I had painted a lacquer coat of rust. This must have softened the pins causing them to bend and break open the track. I decided to use brass pins where the kit ones had failed this involved drilling out the old ones. Not easy, the links divided and needed replacement.
I have very few links left so I view with trepidation installing them on the vehicle.
The bottom line in the photo I had given a couple of days to dry and so far has not caused as many problems. Setting those aside – continuing with the vehicle.
Fixed the engine cover and the forward and rear bulkheads. There is a radiator and some piping behind the gap in the forward one that hides the engine which I have not installed. The forward bulkhead clicked into position very well after chamfering flush the area behind.
The next problem part to install is the driver’s seat – it “floats” on four plastic supports. Here is a good opportunity to update your expletive store!! In the end I have decided to support the seat on a piece of plastic sprue which won’t be visible once everything in the drivers compartment is fixed. It definitely needs strengthening.
All the while I have been painting and putting down the first of the weathering.
The exhausts aren’t visible when the bodywork is complete. The rear section needs a bit of a slot filed into the wings to perfect the fit.
Nothing too tricky here. The parts all fit together very well. All the extras were added. I have jumped a page or two in the instructions, but they will show next time. To be attached to the main body and weathered in situ.
All this will be painted up to bring out the detail. I don’t understand why Gecko didn’t include any decals for the Instruments. In fact the decals are rather limited and there should be a label for the fire extinguishers in this scale.
The frontal armour slots into place. A very good fit! I will remove it to detail it.
I will continue the build now which will give me time to think about how I am going to fit the tracks without tearing them apart.
Back soon…
Julian S.
Christopher Woolford says
Following closely Julian, having been inspired to fetch home from Telford a 1:16 ‘Achilles’, or rather a ’17 pounder M10′ as I believe the weapon was known to its crews.
Track assembly on your Universal Carrier model looks tedious. Are spare track pins provided?
Julian Seddon says
Hello Chris!
It is a very good model with a few tricky bits to come!!
The tracks, oh my gawd ! They are the most tedious I have ever encountered. I have been assembling them for the last two weeks. Even assembled they are very delicate.
In answer to you question there are a few spares, not many but so far enough!! I can get on with the construction now!