The decals are by Cartograf, so quality is assured. They settled nicely with Micro Set & Sol. A little problem that I came across was that of the application of front and rear number plates. The tow cable inter feared slightly with the front plate whilst the back plate being difficult to apply due to earlier equipment fitted to the rear of the hull.
Because of the light colours used, I decided to go with an overall wash of Abteilung German Three Tone – Fading. It was diluted with low odour white spirit and applied with a soft wide brush. Initially, it looked a little grainy but as it dried I used another wide brush (clean this time) to fade it into the paintwork.
A pin wash was applied with Brown wash (not black) concluding that the black would be too harsh with these colours.
A light dusting of Tamiya Buff was applied to the running gear, side skirts and front and back hull plates. Mig productions Gulf War Sand was the applied into all nooks and crannies and worked into the paintwork to tone it down further, hopefully imparting a dusty look! The Ammo boxes were built up and painted Tamiya Dark Green, given a dark wash and the edges dusted with pencil graphite.