The components of the mine roller system with a constructed item at the top of the photo.
Completed EMT electromagnetic countermine system.
A near completed mine roller arm.
The only missing item is the mine plough. The construction of the plough needs care to ensure the blades are seated correctly before attaching the top cover.
The vehicle along with all its associated equipment is given a primer coat of Tamiya NATO Black .
The un-ditching beam is painted with Humbrol 110 wood. Highlights and lowlights were carried out with lighter and darker tones.
This is the MIG Ammo paint set used for the painting of the vehicle. However I decide to try Mends own brand for the “Sand Yellow”. To be honest, I found it difficult to spray and was very unhappy with the colour. Looking at photos on the internet and also the box-art, it was apparent that Oil Ochre was the correct colour. This was one of the colours in the Mig Ammo Russian Colours set.
Here I’ve completed the painting of the Vehicle. The camouflage was sprayed free-hand. When the paint had dried fully, a coat of Future was sprayed on for before the weathering was carried out.