It was at this point that I came across this product that had lain hidden away for many years. I must have bought this many years ago for some now long lost forgotten project. This was the perfect item for the base of the four Antennas bases.
Each piece of coil spring was measured and cut to length with snips and were simply fitted and glued over the base of the plastic antenna already fitted.
Abteilung Brown wash was used to tone down and initially weather model. This was followed by a pin wash of Abteilung Black oil paint. When this was dry, a misted coat of Hannants Xtracrylix varnish was applied. AK’s Fuel stains was then applied sparingly around the fuel drums pipes and fuel cap locations. A dusting of black pastel was then used to simulate the exhaust staining.
Left over from a previous mustang build, I decided to use the light gun metal polishing powder to to highlight the edges of the mine plough. The chains were given a wash of Flory Models rust. The contact surfaces of the mine rollers, mine plough skis and wheels of the EM Device were painted Tamiya Matt Black and dusted with pencil graphite.
Before any further weathering, I decided to fit the Mine Plough arms. This is a very delicate task and care and patience must be used as not to damage the fittings. Highlighted are the attachment points for the arms.
As with most of my armour subjects, I try not to go too overboard with the weathering. I decided to use (a new to me) product, Lifecolor Light earth. This was sprayed neat on to the lower hull and running gear area.
Using the same company’s product; a brush moistened with their remover was applied in a downward motion giving a streaked, washed appearance of light mud.
A 50:50 mix of Vallejo’s Burnt Umber and Black Grey applied neat with a small piece of sponge to the mine roller storage area platform; reasoning that this would incur a lot of wear.
The final task was to fit the four prominent aerials. I normally fashion these from stretch sprue. However this time I decided to use Albion Alloy’s 0.3mm Aluminium rod for a more convincing look.