To fit the individual lengths together, a single vinyl end cap is placed in the end of the jig. Once you’ve got a couple of sections cracked you get into a rhythm and before you know it you have completed both lengths of track!
XF-84 Dark Iron is used as a base colour for the tracks. When dry a thin concoction of Humbrol Silver, Matt Black and Brick Red is misted on.
I decided to fit the tracks before constructing the upper hull components. This requires the hull bottom and wheels painting before further construction. Mig Ammo colours KHS-5146 Khaki Green has been applied for the base colour. The wheel rubber is finished with Lifecolor Tire Black. Meng provide an etch brass mask for the wheels allowing you to paint the rubber first, apply the mask and spray the wheel inners for a quick neat solution. (I did it the hard way!)
Before fitting the tracks I used SNJ polishing powder on the drive sprocket teeth to give an appearance of wear.
To represent wear to the inner part of the track, I’ve used pencil graphite applied with a brush. Here the bottom run has been completed as a comparison.