The radios were painted and dry brushed to bring out the dial details.
The interior was dirtied up with earthy pigments and acrylic thinners. This effect was later subdued a bit to bring it in line with the exterior look.
With the inside finished for now, the interior was masked off along with the wheels/tyres and then the exterior hull primed.
I used pre shading on the hull, using a thinned down black acrylic. At this stage I removed the tyres and bonded on some spare sprue to the wheels so I did not have to handle the hull directly.
These photographs show the effect of the pre shading, however it is more prominent to the human eye.
Some of the photos show off the mud effects quite well, this has been applied by using two different mud pigments which have been thinned down and applied by flicking the thinned pigment off a stiff brush with a toothpick. This wash was also applied all over the tyres then the excess removed with a cotton bud until the desired effect was achieved. You can also see where the edges of panels and detail lines have been dry brushed with a Dirty Steel acrylic and a Chipping Colour acrylic.
A very thin wash was also made with a Chipping Colour acrylic (a dirty brown/red) and carefully applied to the German Grey surfaces to give a modicum of colour modulation. Unfortunately this colour modulation does not show up that well on the photographs. The decals also had this wash carefully applied to ‘dirty’ them up a bit.
The wooden tools and rifle stocks were initially given a very light brown base and then a thin dark brown was applied to get a wood effect.
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