Review by: Neil Pepper
If you’ve not already done so, it’s well worth checking out my initial ‘Here Now’ review of this excellent-looking kit before we crack on with the build.
Getting Started…
The build starts with the chassis and, as you would imagine, there are a few small pieces to it. These all fit just where they should at the first attempt, with no problems.
When it’s finished, it does look like there is a lot more to it than there actually is.
Onto the body…
On starting the body, I found the main parts fitted very well.
As per the instructions, I painted the inside of the body with the NATO tri camouflage, only to then find four steps further on that there is some more floor to go in.
Looking at it, I should have put them in first, partly my fault and partly Tamiya’s, but it means I need to start spraying again. So, if you’re taking this kit on, I would recommend fitting part B16,17,19,20,22,29 F8,9,10,11 before you start painting.
Click on the thumbnails to enlarge images.
I have got on and painted the parts that go inside the cab, so I can stick it all together for painting. As you will see, there’s no need to go mad with the figure as you wont see a lot of him.
A friend suggested that I use Johnson Clear (Future) for attaching the clear parts as you don’t get any cement all over it.
I am also going to give the inside a pin wash using sepia oil paint thinned with white spirit. This will give it a little depth, while you can’t do it when the hood is on so it makes good sense to do it now.