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Going back a little, at about the time that I had painted the control panel I thought that I could incorporate a rectangular section of ‘L’ section plastic strip into the cabin build that would look acceptable as framing behind the glazing, and as I progressed with building and painting the rest of the cabin and constructing the figures, in the previous paragraph, (yes I know it’s disjointed but stick with it!), I was quite happy with the result. Then one morning, I came to it, and thought it looked, well, ……cr_p!
I felt that I had cut a corner and not really tried hard enough to do it right, so I just tore it off!……yes, it was that brutal,…..
If you have seen the two disc version of the film Black Hawk down, on disc two there is a very moving part where the cast have to do a boot camp, and at the end of it, notes are slid under the doors of the members rooms reminding them that it is the memories of the men who did not return that they are portraying, and to do their memories justice is the most important thing. Very focusing.
Now I am not saying that I was struck by the sentiment of that moment and just had to do ‘justice’ to the kit, but the fact that I had done a lot of work to represent this aircraft with a certain level of accuracy, and had through a little idleness nearly screwed it up annoyed me, so I set myself the task of framing the canopy to a reasonable degree.
Well to cut a long story short, and with a little cussing, the ‘t’ section framing conformed quite well to the internal surface. I used cyano’ to bond it, but so sparingly that it caused no fogging.
I used ‘L’ section around the door frames to show where the door would have fitted to, and all in all was quite pleased with the result.