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Some of the last high-light was then mixed with some more white and this was applied to the top of the episcopes metal frames, the periscope top, the small raised detail on the turret roof, top of the recuperator and raised detail on the front/rear panel.
Using a piece of cardboard as a pallet, Abteilung oils Abt100 Faded Grey, oils Abt110 Black and Abt 001 White were squeezed out in small quantities and allowed to rest for bout half an hour. This allowed the oils to be absorbed into the cardboard. A mix of these paints was then used to high-light some of the raised details on the fenders, turret, recuperator top front plate and rear deck.
Filters from Sin Industries, P240 blue, P406 brown and P401 Ochre, were applied with a number 5 brush, which had been dipped into the well shaken jar and then dragged over the jars edge to remove most of the liquid. The bristles were then touched against a paper towel to remove some more of the diluted paint and this was applied in a single stroke over the vertical surfaces in straight vertical strokes. This acts to change the base colour in a subtle way and break up the mono colour to add some richness to the colour. Horizontal surfaces were treated in a similar manner except the brush was used in a circular motion. This was carried out for the three different colours either side by side on different panels or mixed together. Once this had been done it was left to dry. If further coats were to be added the paint has to be left to dry for a good day before applying another coat. Some say it can be done sooner but I like to play safe and its better to wait than have to repaint the model.
This is the fist real stage of the weathering.