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Face painting
The face was dry brushed with white so as to leave the recesses of the face in black to act as the shadow.
Using Vallejo paints a mix was made for the basic skin tone. This was brushed on lightly so the under side colours show through. While this dried I mixed up several shades of the base coat, some darker and some lighter, which were thinner as more water was added to the mix.
The darker shades were layered into the recesses to enhance the shadow, first the lighter of the dark shades then the darker one.
The highlight colours were painted onto the high points of the face in a glaze. The final highlight (lightest colour) was painted on the bridge of the nose, chin, eye brows and tops of cheek bones.
When this dried I wasn’t too happy with the finish so went over it again with a slightly darker colour which made them more acceptable.
The lips were done with the base colour with a touch of red added. The cheeks had the base with added dark brown and a touch of red, this being applied sparingly. Faces were now finished and as this is one of my first attempts with acrylics, I’m at least fairly happy with the results.