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Paper clips were straightened and cut to length before being secured into the holes pre drilled in the feet of each figure. Holes had been drilled into the base and the figures were attached with adhesive once the length of the peg had been determined. A final touch up with mud around the boots and the project is almost there.
The final item required is a name plate and I decided to have a go at producing one myself. I wanted the divisional emblem, Balkan cross and the location script.
I started by searching the internet and found the cross and divisional marking.
Using the computer these were scales and the script worked out and all joined together and printed out. A couple of attempts were needed till I was satisfied with the results.
This was then stuck down to a piece of plastic card and covered with a clear film. A scalpel was used to cut it all out and hey presto a nice colourful name plate. This now only need attaching to the base with PVA. The final items were to stick felt feet under the back to stop it scratching any polished surface it happened to be placed on.