Secondary turrets
The twin 6 inch turrets were built out of the box with the exception of replacing the gun barrels with turned brass ABER examples.
Anti-Aircraft Guns:
Kit Part B-43 (six of them). On the actual vessel these were 6 x 4.7 inch QF (quick firing) 43 cal. MK.VIII guns on un shielded Mk. XII mountings. The kit examples are pretty good in shape and detail but I thought I’d replace them with some cast replacements. The one’s I used are actually American guns of similar size from Niko Models, but hey they look very similar and a lot better than the kit examples. These were simply removed from casting block they came on and glued directly into position on superstructure.
Light AA Guns:
These weapons were on the actual vessel single Pom Pom guns and |Rodney carried 8 x of them, four were positioned (two either side) of base of CT Platform (Kit Part B-25). These were the “blobs” I removed with a dental burr earlier in build. The other 4 were positioned 2 either side of Aft Director on upper deck. They were replaced with photo etch 20mm Oerlikon guns minus the gun shield part, taken from the spares box (actually surplus KGV etch fret from previous build).
Ship’s boats:
The majority of the boats were “hung” from davits running along deck edge on Main Deck opposite from superstructure. Using the filled location holes on the deck the photo etch davits were glued into place in turn with their respective boat. The larger boats, those that fit behind the funnel were finished separately from hull and glued into place afterwards. In the WEM detailing set some oars are present to be placed inside some of the larger open boats.
With all the other parts sub-assemblies completed all that remained was the fitting of the deck edge railings running all the around the hull. These were actually fitted into place just before I fitted the Boat davits in this area. To bolster the detail around the Boat Davits I used some fine stretched sprue to act as rigging for these structures, plus they add a little more strength to the etch parts etc.