Authors: various
Published: AK Interactive
ISBN: 8 435568 309135 and 8 435568 310041
Book review with Bill Curtis
I had decided on buying Volume 2 but thought that I would eventually get the other, so both were purchased.
Both volumes have 112 pages of A4 size good quality gloss paper with print that is easy to read and a multitude of first rate colour photographs with dual language of English and Spanish. Both magazines have nine articles in each; one is on figure painting by Calvin Tan.
Volume one:
The IDF Modelling era Michael Mass
AML-90 Doochifat Abilio Pineiro Grajera
M51 Sherman Kristof Pulinckx
Merkava Mk 1 Kristof Pulinckx
DR9 John Murphy
Shot Cal Dalet Lukasz Orczyc Musialek
Nagmachon Martin Red Kovac
Magach 7C Gimel Lucas Zaro
How to Anti-slip Texture
Volume two:
Foreword Michael Mass & Kristof Pulinckx
Achzarit Ruben Gonzalaz Hernandez
AMX 13/76 Lucas Zaro
Magach 6B Gal Batash Oscar Ebri Casola
M113 Chata’p Jesus Ramon
Merkava Siman 2 Jose Maria Illa
Nun-Nun M325 Lukasz Orczyc-Musialek
IDF Tanker Calvin Tan
M109A2 Doher Kristof Pulinckx
As both the magazines are the same format, size and style I thought a dual review would be acceptable.
Each of the vehicles is covered with a detailed build and weathering chapter which is accompanied by an introduction by Michael Mass a recognised expert on the IDF. The photographs are excellent for each stage being clear and show up well on the gloss paper. Each model is built, weathered, photographed and written by the individual authors. A nice touch is the photograph of each author.
The exceptions to the above are the IDF Modelling Era and the Foreword which are jointly crafted by Michael Mass, in the first volume speaking of the increase in IDF kits which are now available, the second explains the increase in good kits and accessories available to the modeller at this time.
The magazine has a chapter on IDF Tanker Figure by Calvin Tan, a renowned figure artist which shows the stages to correct, paint and mount on a suitable base.
My first love has been for a long time German WWII Armour, figures and dioramas but I am fast becoming a fan of the IDF kits as there are some excellent models available at this time as well as paints and aftermarket items.
These magazines are more like books, packed with useful information which if followed should help the reader to produce some great models. Loved both copies and am looking forward to Vol 3.
Highly recommended
Bill C
Book purchased from Bookworld
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