We’ve now moved the Detail & Scale brand into the twenty-first century, and you are at the gateway to our New Publications which are available in both printed and digital editions. Check our website regularly for updates: https://www.detailandscale.com/
What is exciting about the Detail & Scale Series of aviation publications being in digital format is that so much more can be included in each title, and it can be presented in a far better and interactive manner, all for a much lower price than a printed book!

F-80 Shooting Star in Detail & Scale
F-80 Shooting Star in Detail & Scale provides the most detailed look at this iconic and historic aircraft ever published, with almost 250 photographs, over 180 of which are in color, with a dozen full color profiles and additional artwork.
Jet Fighters of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps
Jet Fighters of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps Part 1: The First Ten Years
Jet Fighters of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps is a two-book series that describes the entire history of American Naval jet fighters, from the very beginning when many thought that the onset of military jets would mean the end of naval carrier-based aviation, to today when the fifth-generation stealth jet F-35B/C Lightning II has begun its service with both the Navy and Marine Corps.
Read the full review here…

F-8 & RF-8 Crusader
Here’s another outstanding addition to the in Detail & Scale Series this time featuring the F-8 and RF-8 Crusader.
The extent of the content is such that this really is the best one-stop-shop reference for the Crusader and will please many scale modellers.
Read the full review here…

U.S. Navy and Marine Carrier Based Aircraft of WW II
Book for iPad, iBook, Kindle and Mac
This book from Detail & Scale is a unique look at all of the American carrier-based fighters, scout/dive bombers, torpedo bombers, and attack aircraft of World War II. Each of the well-known aircraft types are covered, but so too are the lesser known aircraft that at least reached the flying prototype stage during the war.
Read the full review here…
F4F & FM Wildcat, Volume 7 in the Digital Detail & Scale Series
Detail & Scale published volumes on the Wildcat in 1988 and again in 2000. This new work combines all of the content of those early works into the most comprehensive book on Grumman’s only aircraft to serve on the front lines from the first to the last day of World War II.
Read the full review here…
Attack on Pearl Harbor: Japan Awakens a Sleeping Giant
In 2010, Detail & Scale published the original Attack on Pearl Harbor: Japan Awakens a Sleeping Giant at the request of the USS ARIZONA Memorial Foundation, now a part of Pacific Historic Parks. The goal was to produce a reasonably priced book that covered the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in as much detail as possible while limiting the book to a size that could be sold at less than $20 in the Pearl Harbor Museum bookstore. That book proved to be very popular and is now out of print. In researching that book, a significant amount of materials were collected that could not be included because of the limitations of the printing process…until now.
The 75th Anniversary Digital Edition of Attack on Pearl Harbor: Japan Awakens a Sleeping Giant is the most detailed and profusely illustrated book on the Japanese attack ever published. With over 440 photographs, 12 maps and 58 illustrations created specifically for this publication, it stands as the singularly distinctive book on the Day of Infamy.
Read the full review here…
F2H Banshee in Detail & Scale, Part 1: Prototypes Through F2H-2 Variants
The Digital Detail & Scale Series continues with the newest title, F2H Banshee in Detail & Scale, Part 1: Prototypes Through F2H-2 Variants, covering the development, history, colour schemes, combat and operational use, and details of one of the most historically significant fighters to serve with the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps.
Contains more than 120 photos, mostly in colour, that illustrate every aspect of the F2H
Read the full review here
NEW!! SBD Dauntless in Detail & Scale
Covering the development, history, and details of one of the few U. S. combat aircraft to serve throughout World War II, from the attack on Pearl Harbor until VJ Day.
SBD Dauntless in Detail & Scale features 180 pages, over 220 photos (more than 170 in color), color detail drawings, and 17 full color aircraft profiles which accurately depict the Dauntless in a variety of colorful schemes throughout World War II.
Read the full review here…
Digital Detail & Scale volume
The renowned Detail & Scale Series continues with the newest title, Colors & Markings of U. S. Navy F-14 Tomcats, Part 1: Atlantic Coast Squadrons. The book covers the three primary colour schemes used on the F-14 in detail, and provides enhanced coverage of every active and Reserve unit associated flying the Tomcat with the Atlantic Fleet, the Grumman Aircraft Company, and the various east coast Navy flight test units. Colors & Markings of U. S. Navy F-14 Tomcats, Part 1: Atlantic Coast Squadrons comprehensively covers this iconic combat aircraft.
Read the full review here…
F-3H Demon Digital Detail & Scale Publication
iPad download reviewed here – price $9.99
Introduction from Geoff…
Fantastic! This is the only word I can use to sum up what we have here and you’ll see why I am raving about this new ‘e-book’ by reading my review below and taking a look at the sample photos supplied. At last, what we have is a major publisher specialising in modelling reference books (and others) that has seen the huge value and potential of the Internet – the ability to offer you the modeller so much more for far less money than if you buy a paper book or magazine. This is exactly what SMN is all about and continues to be since we launched four years ago.
Read the Full Book Review here…
F-102 Delta Dagger in Detail & Scale
Volume 6 in the Digital Detail & Scale Series