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The clear parts look good, if a little heavy. This includes two main canopies, one closed and an option for a canopy slid open – nice touch. Lens covers and a clear instrument panel that Eduard does so well complete the sprue.
I’ve never been a big researcher just trusting my eye on the model and taking the view if it looks right it is right and compared to what I have seen in the Polish Wings book this is an accurate kit. Surface detail is great and whatever scheme you choose to make will make for an interesting weathering opportunity if done subtlety. Add to this the brass and resin and you’ll get the picture that if you’re a fan of the big Sukhoi this kit is for you.
The A4 instruction sheet is glossy and well laid out. Each build step is clear and the sequence is mostly logical including as it does the ejection seat being popped in at the end of the build. Proof will be in construction but this might be a good candidate for a Weekend Warrior! I’ll let you know…
Decals and Paint Masks…
There are no less than 6 colour options on a wonderful, well detailed and superbly printed decal sheet. These options include two Czech, one Egyptian, one Iraqi, one incredibly complex Russian scheme and finally an Indian version with red and white striped Fin and tailplane. All the schemes are camouflaged and some are quite complex. I was delighted to see the Czech decals are correctly handed; something Trumpeter missed in their MiG-23. From a personal point of view I wanted to see a natural metal version so I have ordered some polish markings to ‘fix’ this issue. But from the box you have loads of choice and again its fantastic value for money.
Eduard is now famed for their paint masks and their addition is very welcome. These pre-cut masks will reduce the build time and maybe make the whole painting and finishing process more pleasurable for some.
This is an excellent kit that has all you need to make a showcase model. I’m amazed Dave Coward has not knocked up two or three already! (I thought I’d give you this one Les to get you away from those floatie things – Dave C). I like this approach from Eduard as it gives the modeller all that’s needed at a cost substantially less than if buying the kit and accessories separately. Keep it up Eduard and I hope you do the Su-22 (Just for you Les Eduard have just released the Su-22 and we’ll look into reviewing that in the near future – Dave C) as well…..!!
Les Venus