Price £39.99 incl. VAT
Reviewed by Geoff Coughlin (2010)
Our thanks to The Airbrush Company Ltd for supplying the review sample. Get this excellent airbrush here now at:
“The Premi-Air G35 is the best quality airbrush you can buy at this price point” says the supplier and I have to say, I agree, wholeheartedly. I’ve been using this airbrush now for a couple of months and it is a fantastic bit of kit. Why? Easy to use, easy to clean, hasn’t clogged up once despite lots of straying with acrylics, great results, ability to control air and paint flow simultaneously easily – do I need to go on?
I have included a image of my completed Kinetic F-16I Sufa sprayed completely with this excellent airbrush – hope you like it?
This versatile airbrush has a 0.35mm nozzle and 3cc gravity cup. The G35 bears the Airbrush Company’s own brand name, ‘Premi-Air’, and has been providing a number of markets with reliable performance for many years. So you have the assurance that the G35 meets The Airbrush Company‘s good quality standards and you will benefit from access to this company’s highly acclaimed technical back-up service. Can’t be bad, can it?
The Premi-Air G35 is much better quality than the cheap copies of Iwata airbrushes and other budget airbrushes, and is suitable for beginners to professionals for all applications. However, for the absolute best performance and control, you might consider stepping up to an Iwata professional airbrush, starting with the Iwata Revolution series, but for me, this Premi Air G35 has just about everything I need for what I do in scale modelling.
And that price… you just can’t believe it – well I can’t anyway, it is stunning value for money and if you thinking at all of replacing your existing airbrush, of thinking of getting one, I would buy this one.
The Premi-Air G35 features:
- 0.35mm nozzle
- 3cc Cup with lid
- Cut-away handle
- Extra crown cap
- Internal-mix
- Dual-action
Highly recommended