Clear parts…
These are simple as are the needs of the real with the MDC (explosive chord) moulded into the inside of the canopy. Not too bad but, again, quite over scale. The blast screen between the front and rear seats is supplied as a transparent part.
Any one of the 9 Hawk aircraft on charge at the time the decals were designed are available. By mixing and matching the serial codes and cutting up as appropriate alternative options could be available to you.
I’m never sure about the white decals in Airfix and other manufacturers’ kits but of late (for example the F.Mk.22 Spitfire) the white has been superbly opaque. To be honest, I think The Reds scheme is one of the most challenging that you can apply to a modern jet aircraft, not least because of the above and the location of the under wing flap actuators. I would always paint the white areas if I felt brave enough to take it on, so I guess it’s your call. I would just recommend careful planning. You might like to take a look at Tom Potter’s Revell 1:32 Red Arrow build where he explains how he went about this part of the process. Tom did a great job dropping the flaps and you may pick up some great tips looking at that project now residing in your Finished Now.
The all-colour painting guide/ decal instruction sheet is back and that’s a great asset and very welcome
These are good and there are clear and unambiguous instructions on assembly. At all stages there are some neat symbols to indicate options for your build.
To conclude
This is a simple kit of a very successful type in worldwide service. Here you have the chance to create a world famous Red Arrows Hawk, easily and simply. It’ll be fantastic if we get a completely re-tooled hawk in 1:72 one day, so we have to wait for this, but this will help you get one or several Hawks into your collection at a reasonable price. Can’t be bad!
SMN Quick Summary Rating out of 5
RecommendedGeoff C.