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There’s not as much flash as I was expecting and although the parts count is low (about 57) they are reasonably well detailed, for 1957 anyhow.
I have recently decided that I will no longer buy after market bits or modify models except for decals. The fuselage does have the internal framework and things like the throttle moulded-on but here’s a new one. If I was pushed I’d have to say the detail is too fine!
There are ejector pin marks on some outer surfaces but they should be quite easy to remove, as the usual ‘basket weave’ pattern moulded on the canvas covering is restrained.
In all honesty, some of the other parts are poor, with the machine guns being a prime example. However, they may be passable with some careful work.
The engine should look OK, providing I can glue the two halves together without losing the cylinder detail.
This isn’t a new high tech kit by any means and not really high on my list of kits I wanted, but it’s there to be built and that’s what I’ll do. I have a few things to clear off the bench first but this is going near the top of the ‘to do’ pile because, in a strange way, I’m warming to the idea.
I’m not keen on a bright red aircraft and I’m not sure about the three figures but there’s plenty of pictures out there on the web and loads of choice, though I may have to stick with the choices in the box as I can’t find any aftermarket decals.
A re-print of Janes Fighting Aircraft of WW1 and the Internet.
Paul K.