Price: £6.99
Review by: Geoff Coughlin (Dec 2011)
Our thanks to Revell for supplying our review sample.
All those of you of a certain age (cough!) will doubtless remember the original Airfix figures and sets that were about the only game in town when it came to figures in 1:72 scale.
That was then, Revell is now!
Imprecise moulding, soft detail and all that was then has gone at the drop of a box from Revell! What’s on offer here are no less than 7 (I think… so many arms legs etc) figures, (and a dog) with separate limbs and other body parts so that you can make them up exactly as you need them.
Very neat, and just look at the quality of the moulding below – extremely respectable in this scale. What a great compliment these will be to any of your 1:48 WWII RAF projects.
What’s in the box?
Click on the thumbnails to enlarge images.
Two sprue trees. The expressions and facial features are superb and I can see many of these making their way onto the display bases of scale models put out at model shows and events.
Maybe they will even entice you to have a go at a diorama involving several aircraft…? Biggin Hill, summer, and that bell to scramble all available aircraft goes off…..CRASH! Out they go…again, and this is for the third time today!
Nice touches are the maintenance platform, separate flat caps, jerry cans and those details.
The overall quality if very high, with minimal flash to remove from the mould seams, but any scale modeller with a little skill and a scalpel/craft knife should be able to remove that.
The poses are realistic too, with not only seated figures that can be seated near your Spits and Hurricanes, but standing figures and the many ground crews attending their aircraft. The images within this reveiew will show you all you need to see.
The box carries colour painting details with direct reference to Revell Color paints in their range. Sensible guidance is given to wash the sprue in warm soapy water to remove any grease and then they should be ready to go.
The fold out sheet is clear in letting you know where to locate all the parts.
What’s the verdict?
Battle of Britain WWII RAF model subjects are always going to be popular amongst scale modellers and sets like this can only help inspire us.
Geoff C.