Ref: MB3561
Review by: Bill Curtis
Initial Assessment
The kit shows Rommel sitting on the turret of a Panzer III with the tank crew in attendance. The box art is good and shows the uniforms to good effect. The back of the box shows a map of the sprue with part numbers as well as the finished figures. These have a colour code for the basic colours which shows only Vallejo and a nice touch is a figure with his left leg raised on top of the code numbers in a small table.
The figures come on a single sprue containing six figures cast in a sand colour plastic. The moulded detail is quite good and, with the use of a sharp scalpel, the pocket and lapels can be eased away from the main torso to give that worn look. The one downside on the kit I have is that the parting line is quite prominent and will take a little time to clean up and polish out.
The quality is good and the poses are very natural.
Pictorial on the back of the box with part numbers and colour reference.
I saw the Master Box release photos of this kit and the art work on the box grabbed me. I have a Dragon DAK Pz II in my stash and this kit will set it off beautifully.
I do like the Master Box figure kits as the subject matter and the poses are individual and natural. The uniforms are varied and look to my eye to be reproduced well compared to photographs of the period.
The only drawback I can see from a look inside the box is the prominent mould parting line, but I think this can be lived with considering the figures natural poses, detail and price.
Highly Recommended.
Bill C.
N.B. This kit was purchased from Emodels.