Reference number: CS11
Review By: Bill Curtis
Initial Assessment
This kit comes in the standard packaging of the Lifecolor sets and contains six paints in screw topped jars all of which are shades of Olive Drab. These are as follows:
UA219 Olive Drab FS 33070
UA220 Olive Drab 319
UA221 Khaki Olive Drab FS 34088
UA222 Olive Drab FS 34088
UA223 Olive Drab Faded Type 1
UA224 Olive Drab Faded Type 2
The usual paint quality which can be brushed painted or sprayed using the Lifecolor thinner or water. Clean airbrush after use before drying is best otherwise you will have to use a solvent such as trichloroethylene to shift the paint.
The instructions for use of the paint is printed on the back of the box. These are clear and concise.
This set will be a great advantage when painting U.S. Armour and vehicles. The paints will also be useful for tanks produced in the states and used by other allied armies. I have found this paint sprays very well but brushing takes more thin coats which need to dry before applying the next coat. This may be just me, so I am going to use these paints on The Chaffee build, both airbrush and brushing to get a better feel for them.
Bill C.
N.B. I purchased the set from The Airbrush Company. You can get this set from: