Kit Ref: A09009
Price around £36.99GBP, $78.31USD, €67.49 Euros, $109.12 AUD, $101.90CAD
Review with Geoff Coughlin (September 2018)
Get this Armstrong Whitworth Whitley GR.Mk.VII 1:72 kit here now from Airfix
The Airfix Armstrong Whitworth Whitley GR.Mk.VII kit…
As is our current practice I’d like to show this kit to you properly and so take a look at my HD video review below!
Here’s my summary
This is a good package with excellent levels of quality and detail across the whole kit. There is a complicated parts breakdown but from the builds that I’ve seen of the initial release on which this kit is based, all should work out fine. Looking at what’s on offer, I think you’ll be very happy to see one of the less well kitted ‘heavies’ available in a striking RAF Coastal Command scheme. There’s even a BOAC scheme from WWII in there too!
Geoff C.