
This is one of the major features of the Mossie – massive, sturdy undercarriage units. The real structures were in fact quite complex and Airfix again seem to have captured this area extremely well. The hydraulic lines look pretty well scaled and you’ll only need to add some fine fuse wire for the cross members if you really want to finish them off well?
Vinyl / rubber tyres are included and this won’t please everyone, but personally I’m fine with these. They weather up very well simply using pastels. They could usefully be ground down a bit to show wear and that is going to be worth doing as the tread is quite heavy.

One of the figures is an atypical WW11 RAF pilot!! You get the four figures as you can see and they look pretty well moulded. Great for a diorama?
Clear parts

ED – I know Julian wasn’t keen to open the bag! Just yet, anyway in case they got damaged while he completes the Tamiya Spit. They look good though (clear and well formed) and when we start this project – which will be very soon, you’ll be able to see these parts?
In summary…
There are a lot of duplicated sprues as in the case of the engines and weapons loads etc so there is more in this overall package than you can see here.
This is just a quick look and hopefully the pictures show the nature of the task ahead of you, I must say I can’t wait to start but I must get the Tamiya Spit finished first. Julian.
The fact that at last, after all these years Hornby / Airfix has had the insight to finish off a job that was started so long ago is a testament to the positive and upbeat modelling world we are currently living in. Excellent and all of the team here at SMN will do our best to complete this awesome kit to the best standard we can. To that end, look out for what will be TWO full builds of this incredible kit. An out of the box, yet comprehensive Full In-Progress Review (IPR) and then a more advanced build where Julian will be adding additional details to the Airfix package. Exciting times indeed!