Well, just one in fact this time as the model represents the single-float ‘B’ version or one of the prototypes (V4 is on the decal sheet). New wing floats are supplied of course this time allowing you to make a very different looking model from the earlier ‘A3’ version, especially when you add to that the light RLM 02 / silver paint scheme this time.
Clear parts
Separately bagged, the clear parts look clear and well moulded.
The main problem that I encountered in the first build and the parts-layout looks the same this time is the complex nature of the canopy assembly. Broken down into several parts the canopy is hard to assemble – you simply run out of hands trying to set it all and get the parts in the right place and aspect. Check out my full Ar 196A-3 build if you want to know more on how I assembled the canopy.
The decals seem quite good. Certainly colour saturation and register is good and all markings are accurate and sharp in their detail. The carrier film does look to be quite thick and it appears at this stage that some trimming may be needed to improve the eventual look of some items. Note that the scheme supplied is for a 1938 aircraft and doesn’t include the swastika for either side of the fin, so you’ll have to source that from elsewhere.
Very impressive – great detail, well-fitting parts and offered at a decent price. This release may be nearly £10 more than when first released back in 2011, but even at under £30.00 now, it still represents excellent value for money.
Geoff C.