Kit ref: Tyrannosaurus Series TS-013
Price around £40.00GBP; €45.91; $48.74USD; $65.18AUS
Review by Geoff Coughlin (July 2017)
The French MBT, the AMX-30B2 played a significant part in Operation Desert Storm in 1991 and it’s great to see a high quality kit of the type available now, thanks to Meng. This manufacturer is certainly making a name for themselves creating high quality packages that feature mixed media like PE, vinyl/rubber and fine details.

I said in a recent review that we will be steadily working through different projects that feature Meng kits – mostly armour, but aircraft too and that’s what we’re doing now.
I wanted to bring you this review after we had completed the full build and you can find that full build of this impressive Meng AMX-30B2 Main Battle Tank 1:35 kit in Armour-Finished Now.
Here’s a quick look at what Mark R. achieved with his full build…
…impressive isn’t it?
Back to the Meng AMX-30B2 MBT in-box review…
There’s always talk about the poor quality flimsy boxes kits can come in and thankfully Meng realise that packaging is important if you want to create an expectation of quality and that’s what you get here – a great sturdy box that has excellent box art – why wouldn’t you want to build this kit from that great box-top pic!