1:35 scale
Reviewed by Geoff Coughlin
Our thanks to The Airbrush Company for supplying the review samples
It’s hard not to think of suitable applications for these very nice new items from Great Wall Hobby. The possibilities for their use would seem endless in terms of use in dioramas, bases, sets and so on and of course not only German WWII subjects either. What about airfields that were overrun and dioramas involving all manner of armour subjects, not to mention Allied and Axis airfields? As soon as I saw these items I thought – “what can I put in the scene?” all very motivational – and this is just a set of oil drums!
Ok, so what’s in the box? Well, two identical sprues that provide sufficient parts to assemble eight 200L oil drums. The drums include the associated filler valves and gauges. The strengthening bands on each drum are moulded separately and this will make for a more refined item. In addition, some very nice text is moulded into the end of each oil drum and you can see this coming up very well under careful dry-brushing.
The quality of the moulding is very high indeed – no flash and each item is very crisp with sharply tooled detail.
The back of the box has exploded diagrams as a guide to completion and a painting guide is also included on the box.
Highly recommended. Endless uses exist for these items and they are so useful for not only armour scale modellers, but aircraft modellers too. I thought I’d include this image I took at a recent model show – the B-25 Mitchell aircraft model is by Neil Ashby and I love the way he has used oil drums to good effect here – don’t you?