Main battery
A little more dressing up mostly of the Oerlikon positions with ready use lockers, entry doors and some ladders. Barrels soon…
Ships boats
All of these are now ready for painting. Actually, I can see as a result of the enlargement that the grab handles on one of them are not yet installed.
A start on the Walrus aircraft… I have sprayed them (!) camouflage grey/green including the cockpit. The cockpit will eventually be sanded level and painted light blue, I guess, but I will have a look at that later. I have, so far, used brass from White Ensign for this as it is more securely fixed to the engine and wings. They also have some very delicate machine gun rings fore and aft. I will see what I can do with those.
Both the two top levels of the bridge have I guess was some form of weather guard. This is rather over scale on the kit part. The instructions from Pontos are very small so I start with a pic of the upper bridge section with the supports for the outer piece partially installed. They are very small and I used my needle method of securing them in situ to its best effect here.