Barring some more weathering in situ, this delicate piece is complete. I added some straps to the shoulder pads – these help to steady the gunner and avoid him being projected overboard.
The same thing applies to the Vickers guns. The close-up below is a bit savage; it looks pretty effective viewed normally.
However, it raises an interesting point with resin. How much smoothing of the parts should be done and how far should one go? It would involve very delicate sanding and plenty of undercoat I should guess? I think that if it looks good to the eye at normal distance, it is probably fine.
The bridge and wheelhouse already needed quite a bit of cleaning. Mind you, when it is finished it will look a bit second hand! The clear view screens were fiddly but add a nice touch.
The off white and RN 15 are on the side and waiting to be weathered. The hull has eventually cleaned up nicely after the application of 5 coats of top and undercoat.
All the bits so far are now put together in position, but not glued. The deck paint and the camouflage has to be applied all over.
So, next up, painting basic colours in gloss, if possible, then, general washes, after that a coat of matt, then an overall wash using dabs of suitable colours blended with mineral spirits and, finally, the dirt and then rust (where metal parts are involved).
The best bits of modelling for me!…