Next up were the Carley float parts and their platforms, except for the kit Carley float parts the rest is replaced with Eduard etch parts. The Carley floats themselves have Eduard parts attached to them, all pretty straightforward if a little fiddly.
All of these assemblies were left off the main hull until finished as once in place it would be difficult to paint some sections of them.
With everything mounted temporarily on cocktail sticks the parts were primed and then actual colour of Tamiya XF-2 Flat white applied. Some parts require part of the camo scheme to be applied to them such has the sides of the 4 inch gun shield and parts of open bridge in Pale Blue, for this I used XF-23 Light Blue then shaded the areas in a lighter mix of base Light Blue. After removing the masking, carefully has these parts won’t stand any rough treatment, I applied the detail painting. Once dry a coat of Vallejo Matt varnish was applied to seal paintwork before I applied washes to the parts.