To add strength to hull I cut a piece of 1mm thick plastic card to shape and glued into place as a base plate. When I fitted the main and forecastle decks into place the former fitted like a glove with a tiny gap here and there (easily filled). The forecastle deck fitted but was short of bulkhead by 1mm, this was easily sorted using 1mm square plastic strip, simply cut to size and glued into place a little filler to blend the joins and ready for next stage.
The model quickly takes shape with the basic assemblies of the various superstructures and funnel. Although Eduard supplies a really nice etched part for the funnel grill I left my example in place which was made from stretched sprue. Some light filling will be required to blend seams and fill location holes for railings, ladders etc that the Eduard sets replace.
My intention is to fit the weapons, depth charge racks, ready use depth charges, AA guns etc after painting main model, these will be assembled , painted and weathered separately and attached later as will the upper open bridge assembly. The lower Bridge has windows supplied as clear parts and these will be attached after painting the hull before the open bridge goes into place. Having built four of the bigger Corvette kits in the past for people I can attest that the area around the bridge is very confined with limited access for a paint brush so to make it easier to paint etc and then add the other parts.
Essentially I added as much detail to the hull as possible without hindering access to detail painting of the decks etc. Eduard supply a really good range of parts from the more obvious parts to hose reels (various sizes), fire axes, details on decks, depth charge launchers, ships boats, scuttles (portholes) and even hatch latches and hinges. This latter item I haven’t used as at this scale they are really tiny and for the sake of my sanity and eye sight I kept the kits moulded examples although I did fit the photo etch parts that make up the holders for the forward 4 inch gun. I made the shells from .7mm diameter plastic rounded strip. If you fit the Eduard etched deck for the platform, this weapon fits on all the moulded detail that has to be removed and they are visible on finished item. One part from the 4 inch gun platform I couldn’t fit was the depression guard rail at the front of the gun platform. I made a replacement out of fine brass rod.