Trumpeter’s kit
I’ve been eagerly awaiting this kit ever since I found out that Trumpeter were going to release it and upon opening the box I was NOT disappointed. There are 15 parts sprues 1 is the stand, 2 x clear sprues contain the Walrus aircraft, fore deck, centre deck and rear deck parts has well as decals and a small photo etch brass sheet. The latter contains the radar and fire control aerials and doors and other small parts and a length of chain for the anchor cables. The level of moulded detail is very good, with very nicely engraved wooden decking with butt ends which with careful painting will look great. The detail seems pretty accurate although there are a few mistakes and I will point them out in the assembly stages.
Included in the kit are the instructions and painting chart of which the later is in colour showing plan and profile views of the model and aircraft and camouflage layout and decal placement. The assembly instructions are in the familiar landscape booklet format giving clear illustrated instructions on the 28 stages of construction.
With this kit trumpeter only give you the option of building the vessel has a full hull model, if you want to cut down the hull to a waterline you will have to cut it yourself. The hull is split longitudinally in two lengths that are supported internally by 7 “braces”. These will line up the parts correctly; the rear and fore deck parts then fit snugly into the open top of the hull.
White Ensign Models PE
At the time of building this model a dedicated detailing set was unavailable and so I used White Ensign Models photo etch detailing set PE3515 Southampton Class Cruiser. This set was originally part of their long de-flunked complete resin kit of HMS Sheffield. White Ensign assures me that by the Telford model show they will have released a dedicated detailing set for the kit.