Most of the images have been arranged in useful sets linked to specific military subject types – all with the intention of helping you get the reference pics you need to finish your project successfully.
Initially there is a rapidly growing library of aircraft images to help you, but, over the coming months we are looking to expand this area of the site considerably by adding sections on Armour and other military subjects, so do keep checking in and watch this space…
How do I find the images I want?
Just look in the alphabetical listing for your subject and click to see a thumbnail image and a brief description of the contents of that set – it’s that simple! For example if you want to see McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom images, click ‘Phantom’.
Our Photographic Reference Library of images are a great resource for scale modellers and are ideal for use when building scale model projects. are the sole copyright holders of these photographic images, unless otherwise stated. As Copyright holders we are pleased to give our permission for the non-commercial use of our military aircraft pictures provided users comply with our fair terms and conditions of use. authorise non-commercial use of these images and particularly encourage their use for use personal scale modelling purposes and research. Our own pictures are not in the Public Domain.
Terms & Limitations of use:
1) We strictly prohibit their use in any commercial way whatsoever. For example these images cannot be used to support review and feature articles or any other article in paper-based or internet magazines and forums.
2) We strictly prohibit their use on any internet forums, blogs, discussion forums and chat rooms
3) Use of any of our images on websites re-distributing copyright free material is strictly prohibited.
How do I download images?
Downloading images is easy. Simply follow the on-screen instructions by clicking on the download link next to each set – the images are compiled into a zip file for security and speed of download.