Final tasks
Right, with the decals finished, paint touch ups done, extra windows added where the decals had cracked, a satin coat was sprayed over the whole thing. I was going to use matt, but the silvering of the decals was so bad that I couldn’t get away with it! The slight glossiness of the satin coat was enough to disguise the silvering.
I then discovered that the warp pylons weren’t square. One was twisted slightly,
which had the effect of making the nose of the nacelle dip downwards. I couldn’t have that, and twisting it back now that both sides were covered in the most fragile decals known to man was right out, so I had to add a small wedge to the top of the forward edge of the pylon to support the nacelle level without a gap.
So all assembled on it’s stand, it looks like this.
As with all filming miniatures, it doesn’t look much in the flesh. However, give it some SFX and it’s a different story…
Dean L.