The joins have been made good and disguised using a combination of Tamiya tape, small strips of metal foil and plenty of patience! In fact this stage only took about an hour to complete and was far more enjoyable than loads of tedious fulling, sanding and polishing!
The end result is as I planned and all will become clearer later when the photo etch is added and then the model primed and base coated.
The engine exhaust outlets are a bit fiddly to clean up but you get there i the end and the cleaned up parts look good when attached to the model.
Here are a few photos showing the model all complete apart from the photo etch (PE) that needs to be added next. Looking forward to that part of the build as the detail will start to shine through and then…. painting!
Here’s a shot of the PE fret – looks nice and you can see how that assembles next.
Back soon for more…
Geoff C.