To apply your decals so that they conform to the surface – looking as though they have been painted on
Tweezers – to attach your decal – transferring it from the backing paper onto your model
Micro Set – decal wetting/softening solution that is applied first to the area your decal is going to be placed
Micro Sol – decal softening solution that is applied to the top of your decal about 5 minutes after it has been positioned in its final location
Johnson’s Klear – a good varnish that’s cheap and acts as a decent gloss base onto which you apply your decals. It is also good for using like Micro set to help your decal adhere to the surface
Success factors
Your decal dries completely smooth and flat conforming to all the raised and recessed detail moulded beneath it
Watch out for…
Panic – when the decal starts to wrinkle up after you apply Micro Sol setting solution?. Absolutely normal for this to happen and even when you think – NO! It’s wrinkled too much? No. It will almost certainly be ok and when dry, the decal will draw down over all that detail
Trying to move the decal once you’ve applied the Micro Sol – once you’ve applied the Micro Sol softening solution don’t be tempted to touch the decal – it will disintegrate if you do.