With Geoff Coughlin
Initial thoughts
There really are so many options these days for different products to help you apply your decals to whatever subject you like – and it can all seem very confusing!
To help you, we are creating many entries in the Decals section of your SMN Techniques Bank to help simplify the process and help to ensure that you get great results every time. So do take a look at all the other entries.
There are some important guidelines that I always follow… 12 Golden Rules for applying decals that, for me at least, are a must do to give you the best chance of success – and what do I mean by success? That you get that painted-on look – you can’t see any of the decal carrier film and most importantly, you avoid that ‘silvering’ effect when the carrier film that the decal is printed on shows as a silver border. The latter effect just kills any authenticity in a model and we really should try and avoid it at all costs.
12 Golden Rules For decal application…
1. Gloss your paint finish or use gloss paints – you need the smoothest surface onto which you apply your decals; the smoother the surface, the best chance you have of avoiding any air getting trapped beneath the decal on application that will show the carrier film when dry
2. Allow to dry completely – maybe 2-3 days and more if using gloss paints. You can’t risk any reaction between your chosen decal softening and application solvents and your paint finish
3. Apply your decals to your glossed surface using your chosen decal application solution (in this demo Humbrol Decal Fix and see Note below)
4. Don’t touch your decals after application – especially if they start to wrinkle slightly – many decal softening solutions are designed to really soften the decal and all will straighten out during the hours of drying time
5. Allow to dry completely – at least 24, ideally 48 hours
6. Check your decals have settled completely and properly – sometimes you need to prick any small air pockets with the point of a new scalpel blade and apply more decal solvent and leave well alone for another 24-48 hours
7. When you’re happy – apply another coat of gloss varnish – this is essential to seal in your decals. STOP! Don’t be tempted to apply a matte, flat or satin varnish at this stage. Your decals need a gloss varnish coat now to seal everything in
8. Allow to dry completely – at least 24, ideally 48 hours
9. Time to wash if you want to apply washes and wet weathering compounds – be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions at all time. Skip this stage if you don’t want to apply your washes and weathering compounds now
10. Apply your top coat varnish – matte, flat or satin
11. Allow to dry completely – at least 24, ideally 48 hours
12. Apply your other weathering effects and products as you desire, or not, as you wish.
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